Billboard Displays: For Brand Reinforcement or Voting Preference?

I have a partial view of the Atlanta skyline from where I sit and work. One of the notable things in my view is the Corey Airport Services tower, which has a 80 foot tall by 25 foot wide digital billboard display that changes daily.

On Valentine’s Day, the sign displayed a Corey logo that was pink with a heart and a rose. On President’s Day, the sign displayed Obama’s bust shot.

Today, the Corey sign displayed “Vote Trump.”

Today’s display caught me a bit off guard since this wasn’t a holiday or a variation of a colored Corey logo. It was a clear message based on a voting preference, which tends to be more polarizing in opinion than a holiday themed logo.

[quote title=”Title” Text=”This will be a landmark for the city of Atlanta, like the Statue of Liberty. The Arch in St. Louis. The Space Needle in Seattle.” name=”Bill Corey” name_sub=”Owner, Corey Cos. Inc.”]

Corey tower in Atlanta

Here’s a little background information: Corey Airport Services is a provider of advertising services in airport hubs across the country. Their client list includes Proctor & Gamble, Merrill Lynch, Verizon, Ernst & Young, among many other well-known brands.

This brings up an interesting topic of discussion on branding. 

Does this opinion reflect the Corey brand collectively, or just the person who dictates what gets displayed on the sign?

What if a brand ambassador, stakeholder, or customer disapproves of this? Does it dilute the brand for them?

What if a brand ambassador, stakeholder, or customer supports it? Does it reinforce the brand for them?

What do you think? Do you think this sign meant for brand reinforcement and marketing distribution, or for whatever the corporation wants it to?

I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to leave your thoughts, comments, and feedback in the comments below.

~ Christine

Photos courtesy of: Joeff Davis, Creative Loafing and Max Blau